Monday, January 19, 2009

Change and Hope

Change you can believe in.  Hope you yearn for.  Exciting, enticing and seductive words.  Words we have heard spoken  often in recent days.  But, what do they really mean?  Just what is change?  Hope for what?  With your mind  a blank canvas you can paint whatever image you want these words to mean.  You can weave hope throughout the fabric of your imagined painting.  You can temper your expectations in whatever fashion you find most agreeable with your imagined rendering.  Thus, the exalted one that promised change and hope will succeed so long as you can alter the image on your canvas to be compatible and coincide with current affairs.  But, when the imagined image fades into nothingness the bloom will wilt and the exalted one of promised change and hope will falter falling to the ground like a wilted bloom.  Thus, the change you believed in and the hope you yearned for turns into a moonbeam that suddenly disappears at the break of daylight.  Then reality rears its ugly head like a sick female rattlesnake in heat and the pipe dream is struck down to die an agonizing death as truth prevails. 


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