Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A rare phenomenon occurred about dusk this evening for our part of Texas.


We seldom have sub-freezing temperatures much less snow.  We sometimes have cold weather  but it is usually only about 28 to 32 degrees, dry and lasts only a day or two.  Then it warms back up.  If we have precipitation with a cold front it usually precedes the front as rain.  Depending on the time of the year it may be just light rain, or in the spring it sometimes is violent with strong thunderstorms and hail, but hardly ever snow.

It started as light flurries of small flakes and gradually became a heavy snowfall. The snowflakes drifted almost straight down.  They covered everything in a blanket of white about an inch thick.  My wife and I gazed out the window at the west pasture covered in snow dotted with a few snow laden trees.  It made a pastoral scene of white in tones of gray in the fading light of twilight.

It snowed about an hour, then it stopped.  


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