Friday, October 03, 2008

Financial CRISIS or HOAX?

I'm inclined to believe we , the general public, have been hogswaggled by the elite slickmeisters of Wall Street and Congress with an enormous hoax to bail them out of their self-made predicament at our expense.

The financial markets are functioning if, and IF is the operative word, you have adequate assets and resource to repay your loan.  I'm intimately knowledgeable of someone that just sold their home and purchased a new one with a reasonable mortgage.  How does that qualify as "frozen" credit?  If the "nut-cakes" in Congress would just do nothing and go home to campaign for re-election, I believe the financial markets would take care of themselves and smooth out in a matter of a week or so.

We CAN survive without the likes of Cris Dodd and Barney Frank contrary to what they may think.


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