Sunday, August 26, 2012

Obama's Disdain for Our Military

This was written by Alan Caruba of Renew America:

"If you want to know how President Obama feels about the U.S. military, consider that all the years since D-Day 1945 there have been three occasions when a President failed to go to the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during that invasion.  The occasions were:

1.  Barack Obama 2010
2.  Barack Obama 2011
3.  Barack Obama 2012

For the past 68 years, all Presidents, except Obama, have paid tribute to the fallen soldiers killed on D-Day.  This year, instead of honoring the soldiers, he made a campaign trip on Air Force 1 to California to raise funds for his reelection."

I find this so contemptuous I am virtually speechless.  In my mind there is no rational to condone such disdain and disrespectful behavior by a president.  How in the name of God can such a person claim to be an American regardless of where he may have been born?  I'm praying for a Reagan like electoral sweep November 6th to put him away for good.  (NOTE:  Michele Obama the other day encouraged a group of black women to be sure and vote November 2nd.)

BO must GO


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