Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Paul Ryan noodles catfish

Amid all the hoopla and gnashing of liberal teeth when Romney chose Paul Ryan to be his running mate is a couple of interesting things about Ryan.  He is a bow hunter.  That ought to give the bleeding heart liberals apoplexy.  But, even more apoplectic is he noodles catfish.  That ought to run 'em nuts trying to figure out what kind of character degradation that is.  First, they don't know what a catfish is; and second, what noodle is?  That'll give 'em fits trying to figure that out.  And, when someone from the real country tries to explain it they'll think they're pulling their leg.  Then when they do figure it out their refrain'll be:  "My God!!  We can't have such a demented person as vice-president.  Destroy him!!"  And, that they will try to do just like they did Sarah Palin, only this time I hope Mitt is smarter than McCain was.

You see, Paul's wife is the former Janna Little from Madil, Oklahoma.  Paul has been to Oklahoma.  He has noodled catfish, and he is a conservative.  Now that puts him in the league with Sarah Palin who can shoot a moose and field dress it.  My kind of folks.  GO PAUL!!

BO must GO


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