Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Marriage is the union between a man and a woman.  The institution of marriage has been around a long, long time.  Even the most primitive of societies have honored the time tested tradition of marriage between a man and a woman because the purpose of marriage has been to protect the children, thus perpetrate the continuance of the society.  Marriage brings social civility to the society.  The male is made to honor the commitment and protect the mother and the children.  Otherwise the male would breed and move on leaving the mother alone to care for and raise the child which greatly diminishes the continuance of the society.  So what do we have today?  Government substitute intervention for fatherhood fostering young single women with several children by "unknown" fathers as wards of society.  So called same-sex "marriage" does not accomplish the intent of the tradition of marriage.  The fundamental flaw in same-sex "marriage" is it produces no progeny.  A same-sex "marriage" can raise a child, but somewhere a man and a woman have to copulate to produce a child, unless you want to believe Adolphus Huxley's Brave New World.


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