Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Eunuch President - The Real Power Behind the Throne

Recent events definitely confirm what I've believed all along since the incarnation of Obama.  He is just the puppet mouthpiece that reads the teleprompter.  His strings are pulled by others.  The real power behind the throne is two women, long time Chicago cheeky buddies, Michelle and Valerie Jerret, the Iranian born Muslim force at Barack's back.  Barack baby has no gonads.  The female wizards behind the curtain directed Barack to not take out Osama bin Laden on several occasions.  It happened only after the fact when he was called in from the golf course to the White House situation command room to witness the takedown ordered by Hillary.  He still spikes the ball at every opportunity as though it was his doing.  I dare say it was Valerie that told Barack to stand down in the Benghazi disaster and not dispatch any assets to put down the jihadist terrorist attack on the consular building and CIA Annex.  I seriously question exactly where Barack, Valerie and Michele were and what they were doing when the first Benghazi alert was received by the White House situation command.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Townhall Poll Results

Interesting.  This evening I took a poll questionnaire on the Townhall Election Center website to vote for either Obama or Romney.  I voted for Romney and then got the survey questionnaire results by state.  375,087 votes were cast.  Only Vermont voted 50% for each.  Eight other states voted 55% to 59% for Romney.  Fourteen states voted 70% to 77% for Romney.  All the remaining states voted in the 60% percentile for Romney.  Obama did not get a single majority in any of the states.

Does this foretell a Romney electoral landslide win?  I hope so, but it's not necessarily so.  What's obvious is Townhall attracts a more conservative group of people.  The compelling factors that will affect the outcome are the liberals and their special interest constituencies of labor unions, blacks, latinos, women, etc.  These people will vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican.  That tightens up the race results significantly.

So, get out there and vote for Romney!

BO must GO!

ACLU, where art thou?

Some obscured unknown person somewhere makes a U-tube video that no one anywhere has seen.  It supposedly ignited a firestorm of demonstrations and terrorism in the Muslim community.  For days on end he is repeatedly accused ad nausea by the most powerful in the American government as the person who single handedly stirred the Muslim world to act like a stomped-on mound of fire ants swarming all over North Africa burning and killing, including an American ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.  He is then arrested, accused of parole violation, and jailed without benefit of bond.  He remains in jail for the parole violation to this very day over a month later.  Apparently, parole violation is a crime as serious as murder in the eyes of the government.

So, where is the ACLU on this?  They are ever so eager to protect the civil liberties of those that have been violated.  ACLU, where art thou?  You would think they would have gleefully jumped on this one like a hungry hound dog on a pork chop.  They're no where to be seen.  I wonder why?

BO must GO!

Friday, October 26, 2012

POTUS, where art thou?

Its 5:00 p.m, September 11, 2012, in Washington, D.C.  Its 11:00 p.m. in Benghazi, Libya.  The U.S. consulate comes under full attack by well armed terrorists in a fire fight that lasts almost seven hours resulting in the death of our ambassador and three other Americans. Three times the Americans under attack sent desperate requests for military support, but were denied.  The "Situation Room" in the White House monitored the action in real time almost from the very beginning.  The nagging question begging for an answer is, "POTUS, where art thou?"  I, and many others, want to know just exactly where POTUS was and precisely what was he doing minute by minute from the time the alert was received in the "Situation Room" and for the next seven hours.  If that is ever exposed, which is unlikely, it will be very revealing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presidential Debate - Liar, Liar. Pants on Fire!

After my wife and watched the second presidential debate she asked what I thought.  I replied, "Liar, liar.  Pants on fire!"  It seemed to me most of the debate was discrediting the opponent's position, often accusing each other for not having their facts right and making misleading statements.  I heard some TV pundit say the winner was "testosterone" and another say, "It was like two scorpions in a bottle."  Then, too, the moderator, Candy Crowly, couldn't be content to just be moderator.  She had to interject herself into the fray much like a referee at a football game picking up the football and running with it.

I wish the Presidential Debate Commission would quit picking liberal TV news anchors and commentators to moderate the debates.  They should get high school debate coaches, and let them set the rules and run it like a high school debate competition.  

Friday, October 12, 2012

Libya - Obama Incompetence

Joe Biden said last night in the debate with Paul Ryan that "the administration" did not know there was a request for additional security at Benghazi prior to the attack on the embassy personnel in Libya resulting in the deaths of the American ambassador and three other Americans.  Aside from the fact that is pure incompetence maybe , just maybe, if Obama had of been attending the daily security briefings at the White House, then "the administration"  certainly would have known additional security was not only needed, but had been requested by the people on the ground in Libya.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

NFL Referees - Substitute and Regular

We had substitute referees for the first two regular season games at the beginning of the National Football League 2012 season.  Many players, coaches, and fans complained bitterly about the lack of expertise and experience of the substitute referees recruited from the college and high school ranks.  We are now five games into the regular season with the regular referees working the last three weekly games.

I played high school football and a little in college.  I've been a long time fan of the sport and enjoy watching the game.  I know the referees don't always get it right, but I chalk that up to it is just the nature of the game.  However, the big complaint of many was the substitute referees were too close and persnickety on their violation calls.  I've watched closely the refereeing of the NFL games since the regular referees came back to work.  Today alone I've see five obvious pass interference plays which the regular referees either did not see or ignored.  They were so obvious the announcers even commented on them.  And, the holding violation. . . .it is seldom called except when most obvious.

My conclusion:  The owners and players did not like the substitute referees because they called the violations and invoked the penalties.  They like the regular referees because they are "loosy-goosy" calling violations.

Iranian Drone

Today we learn from the social media that Israel shot down an Iranian drone over their air space.  The national "lame stream" media ignored it.  So Obama gave Iran a drone and now they are building them to attack Israel.  I'm apprehensive this is the early start of war in the Middle East between Israel and Iran that will ultimately involve the other Muslim countries against Israel.  If Israel has EMP capability I'm of the opinion Israel will not hesitate to use it against their enemies.
That will in effect involve the rest of the world willing or unwillingly.  Obama is not the leader we need as our Commander-in-Chief at such a time.

NOTE:  See my earlier post on Netanyhau

Thursday, October 04, 2012

First Obama/Romney Debate

This evening my wife and I watched the Obama/Romney debate on television from Denver.  Almost from the beginning I was disappointed in Romney.  I wanted him to come out swinging and attack Obama.  I so badly wanted to see Obama a wasted piece of groveling humanity that my analytical perspective was warped.  I told my wife several times that I hadn't heard anything I didn't already know.  I thought they got so deep into the weeds with talk of finance and taxes that most people would tune out within the first fifteen minutes.  I continued to grouch from time to time until my wife told me to "shut up."

Man, was I surprised and greatly elated that after the debate the hoard of TV political commentators and pundits gave Romney kudos for his performance, and talked about how poorly Obama did.  I was so critical of Romney that I failed to actually do a comparative analysis of the two performances and see how badly Obama actually did.  In retrospect I now see where Romney in a respectful way out did Obama on almost every issue.  

Lesson learned:  Don't let yourself get so deep into the woods that you can't see the forest for the trees.  (I'd still like to see Romney knock Obama around a little.)