Saturday, October 27, 2012

ACLU, where art thou?

Some obscured unknown person somewhere makes a U-tube video that no one anywhere has seen.  It supposedly ignited a firestorm of demonstrations and terrorism in the Muslim community.  For days on end he is repeatedly accused ad nausea by the most powerful in the American government as the person who single handedly stirred the Muslim world to act like a stomped-on mound of fire ants swarming all over North Africa burning and killing, including an American ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.  He is then arrested, accused of parole violation, and jailed without benefit of bond.  He remains in jail for the parole violation to this very day over a month later.  Apparently, parole violation is a crime as serious as murder in the eyes of the government.

So, where is the ACLU on this?  They are ever so eager to protect the civil liberties of those that have been violated.  ACLU, where art thou?  You would think they would have gleefully jumped on this one like a hungry hound dog on a pork chop.  They're no where to be seen.  I wonder why?

BO must GO!


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