Thursday, October 04, 2012

First Obama/Romney Debate

This evening my wife and I watched the Obama/Romney debate on television from Denver.  Almost from the beginning I was disappointed in Romney.  I wanted him to come out swinging and attack Obama.  I so badly wanted to see Obama a wasted piece of groveling humanity that my analytical perspective was warped.  I told my wife several times that I hadn't heard anything I didn't already know.  I thought they got so deep into the weeds with talk of finance and taxes that most people would tune out within the first fifteen minutes.  I continued to grouch from time to time until my wife told me to "shut up."

Man, was I surprised and greatly elated that after the debate the hoard of TV political commentators and pundits gave Romney kudos for his performance, and talked about how poorly Obama did.  I was so critical of Romney that I failed to actually do a comparative analysis of the two performances and see how badly Obama actually did.  In retrospect I now see where Romney in a respectful way out did Obama on almost every issue.  

Lesson learned:  Don't let yourself get so deep into the woods that you can't see the forest for the trees.  (I'd still like to see Romney knock Obama around a little.)


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