Sunday, September 23, 2012

Why Obama Will Win

As my readers know I from time to time get input from others.  Here is one I received the other day.  What is bothering is this person's stance is representative of so many others; thus Obama will win in November.
 "I'll be voting for Virgil Goode as a write-in candidate for president.  Romney will no doubt win Texas, a solid Red State.  But if you don't want to hold your nose and vote for Coke or Pepsi, consider Virgil Goode.
Romney is FOR NDAA and Romney is FOR temporary amnesty.  And I've never been convinced Romney is pro-life.  I suspect Romney is pro-status quo just like "W". 
Romney inspired Obamacare.  And guess what the first state was to legalize and promote gay "marriage" was and guess who was governor at the time?  Do you want me to go on and on and on? 
And remember, there is NO Biblical justification for voting for the lesser of two weevils.   A candidate must EARN my vote.   Romney has not.  You have an alternative!"

This is my reply to him:

"I hear you.  I have no particular desire for Romney either, but we can't have another four years of Obama.  My wife and I voted for Ross Perot and we got Clinton.  I'm concerned that if we vote our true conscience we will get Obama again.  It's going to be close.  Romney will need every vote he can get.  I wish Ron Paul could have been a choice, but the Republican elitists, Washington insiders and the main steam media have no appetite for Ron Paul or Virgil Goode and their kind.  I wish somehow we could bring about an attitude change, but I don't think I'll live to see it.  I'm 83 years old. ~ Don"

NOTE:  Virgil Goode is the Constitutionalist presidential candidate on the ballot in Virginia only.  A lost cause on which to throw away one's vote.  It would be great if we had different choices, but we don't.  We all too often HAVE to vote for the lesser of the two evils.

Click on the following link to provide further evidence for why I think Obama will win.  These people vote.

     Howard Stern Exposes Obama Supporters  


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