Saturday, October 27, 2012

Townhall Poll Results

Interesting.  This evening I took a poll questionnaire on the Townhall Election Center website to vote for either Obama or Romney.  I voted for Romney and then got the survey questionnaire results by state.  375,087 votes were cast.  Only Vermont voted 50% for each.  Eight other states voted 55% to 59% for Romney.  Fourteen states voted 70% to 77% for Romney.  All the remaining states voted in the 60% percentile for Romney.  Obama did not get a single majority in any of the states.

Does this foretell a Romney electoral landslide win?  I hope so, but it's not necessarily so.  What's obvious is Townhall attracts a more conservative group of people.  The compelling factors that will affect the outcome are the liberals and their special interest constituencies of labor unions, blacks, latinos, women, etc.  These people will vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican.  That tightens up the race results significantly.

So, get out there and vote for Romney!

BO must GO!


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