Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Eunuch President - The Real Power Behind the Throne

Recent events definitely confirm what I've believed all along since the incarnation of Obama.  He is just the puppet mouthpiece that reads the teleprompter.  His strings are pulled by others.  The real power behind the throne is two women, long time Chicago cheeky buddies, Michelle and Valerie Jerret, the Iranian born Muslim force at Barack's back.  Barack baby has no gonads.  The female wizards behind the curtain directed Barack to not take out Osama bin Laden on several occasions.  It happened only after the fact when he was called in from the golf course to the White House situation command room to witness the takedown ordered by Hillary.  He still spikes the ball at every opportunity as though it was his doing.  I dare say it was Valerie that told Barack to stand down in the Benghazi disaster and not dispatch any assets to put down the jihadist terrorist attack on the consular building and CIA Annex.  I seriously question exactly where Barack, Valerie and Michele were and what they were doing when the first Benghazi alert was received by the White House situation command.


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