Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Iran's Secret Weapon or Boastful Bluff

This was taken from the WMD website:

In an interview with the Fars News Agency today, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi claimed that Iran is in possession of secret weapons along with top secret capabilities that could be used to confront the United States. 
“The Islamic Republic of Iran has many hidden capabilities, which are kept for rainy days,” Vahidi said in the interview. “We have not yet revealed all our capabilities.  The Islamic Republic of Iran has many hidden capabilities, which are kept for rainy days,” Vahidi said in the interview. “We have not yet revealed all our capabilities.”

Does Iran have a secret weapon?  Could they be working on or maybe achieved EMP capability?  If so, this can be even more frightening, especially at a time when the president is cutting our national defenses to the bare bone.

You may recall I've posted about EMP before.  It is an acronym for Electronic Magnetic Pulse.  To briefly review, it is a weapon that if accurately detonated over Washington D.C. would instantly render inoperative EVERY electrical and electronic device within three hundred miles of the target.  It doesn't hurt or kill people, but all  radios, televisions, and cellphones would not work.  Cars would not start.  It would render inoperative all avionics required to fly airplanes.  Gas pumps would not work.  The doors at Walmart would not open.  Computers would crash.  Etc., etc.  You get the picture.  Imagine the chaos this would cause.

There is an old Roman saying that "If you want peace then prepare for war."  That means that if a nation keeps a strong military capability and presence potential enemies will not challenge for fear of the results.  Fear is a strong motivator.  President Obama DOES NOT understand this, or he is intentionally rendering our nation militarily helpless in an increasingly hostile world.

BO must GO

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Voodoo Environomics

Taken from the Washington Times.  I think this pretty well says it all.

President Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline wasn't, as he claimed, based on science or the environment. It certainly wasn't based on sound economic policy, either. The decision was, in fact, the product of voodoo environomics: a destructive blend of bad science based on fear-mongering and manipulated research, the bad economics of green-job fantasies and "starve the beast" energy politics.

BO must GO!

U.S. Government Debt

Have you ever wondered to whom does the United States Government owe all that $15 trillion of money?  We mostly hear in the main stream news media about how much we owe China.  Well, I decided to check it out.  Here is what I found to whom we owe all this $15 trillion of debt in order:

l.   42.2% - U.S. individual and institutional investors
2.  17.9% - Social Security Trust Fund
3.  11.6% - Other Various Foreign Nations
4.    7.5% - China
5.    6.4% - Japan
6.    6.0% - U.S. Civil Service Retirement Fund
7.    3.4% - United Kingdom (Great Britain)
8.    2.1% - U.S.Military Retirement Fund
9.    1.6% - Oil Exporters
10.  1.3% - Brazil

Source:  U.S. Treasury Department

What is interesting is the U.S. Government owes the Social Security Fund $2.68 trillion.  More than enough to fund it into the next millennium.  Problem is the greedy politicians could not keep their gruby hands off such a pile of money and they spent it for God only knows what leaving the Trust Fund with a bunch of worthless U.S. Government Treasury notes stored in a lock box somewhere in West Virginia.

Much the same goes for the U.S. Civil Service Retirement Fund ($.09 trillion) and the U.S.Military Fund ($0.375 trillion).  Who knows what that money was spent for? And, where are the worthless U.S. Government Treasury notes stored?  With the  Social Security Fund Treasury notes?

By far the biggest debt holders are United States individual and institutional U.S. Treasury Bond investors ($6.33 trillion).  I wonder at what point the Obama administration will do to them what they did to the corporate bond holders of General Motors and Chrysler.

And, since we owe Brazil $0.195 trillion, why in the hell do we give them foreign aid money for offshore oil well drilling?  And, why give them a big defense contract to build airplanes for our Air Force?  (Think Soros.)

To grasp the meaning of a $trillion consider this:  If you were to begin to count one dollar bills one per second it will take you 31,790 years (yes, years) to count a $trillion.  And, our debt is a little over $15 trillion.  That is over $50,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States.

And, Obama doesn't think we have a spending and debt problem!  Else, he is following the Saul Alinsky playbook.

BO must GO in 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Four reasons Romney will not win the nomination

Mitt, you are not going to win the Republican nomination for president.

First, you may profess to be a Conservative, but as George Will's of ABC-TV fame said (paraphrased), "Romney is like a tourist in a foreign land, and he's having trouble learning to speak the language," referring to Romney's lack of ability to articulate his conservatism.

Second, there is something in the American psychic that finds it inherently dishonest to use one's enormous wealth to destroy your opponents and buy your way into political office.  Steve Forbes learned this in the last presidential election cycle, and you should have learned it then, too.

Third, you talk about who you are and what you've done, but talk very little about what you will do if elected president.

Fourth, you lack humility.  You've never ever had to clean a really dirty toilet bowl.

BO must GO!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fairness & Inherited

Two words are paramount in the lexicon of the little "o".  He can hardly open his mouth without uttering the words "fairness" and "inherited."

It's difficult to understand why his concept of the world is everything has to be fair.  Nothing in this world is fair.  Never has been.  Never will be.  If it was the world would be flat and square.  I don't really understand his concept of fairness when his dog, "BO" (epitome of narcissism), gets a $102,000 a year trainer, and my dog has to scratch fleas.  My father used to punish my two older brothers and me when one of us goofed up.  Our refrain was always a whining, "Daddy, its not fair", to which he replied, "What makes you think life is meant to be fair?" as he applied the leather, "If life was fair I'd be dining with the Rockefellars."

I have trouble understanding little "o's" concept of inherited.  He didn't inherit anything.  He asked for the job.  He campaigned for the job.  He got the job.  What the hell is his problem?  Quit the damn whining, shut up and deal with it!

BO must GO!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

State Morality and Religious Thought by Mandate

Amid the controversy between the Obama Administration and the Catholic Church this occurred to me, and I find it troubling:  When the state (government) by edict mandates morality and religious doctrine and thought, then the state itself becomes a religion.

Think "Islam".

The Obama Administration is trampling on the Constitution and religious thought.  What happened to the First Amendment?  What is next?

BO must GO

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Cultural Decline in America

The following excerpt was lifted from the January 21, 2012 issue of The Wall Street Journal, The Saturday Essay, by Charles Murray.  Its a lead-in to a rather lengthy, but very important essay.  Go to the link below to read the entire article.  It is something EVERY AMERICAN should take heed and act accordingly, else we will continue down the slippery slope of decline into a two-class culture ruled by the elites (the ruling class) at the behest of the lower (working) class.

Think "lords and serfs."

Over the past 50 years, our common civic culture has unraveled. We have developed a new upper class with advanced educations, often obtained at elite schools, sharing tastes and preferences that set them apart from mainstream America. At the same time, we have developed a new lower class, characterized not by poverty but by withdrawal from America's core cultural institutions.

American Dream?

I'm sitting here watching the Super Bowl pre-game hoopla on TV.  They just ran a segment portraying the good things Indianapolis has done as a result of the Super Bowl in their city.  One of several things they highlighted was a condominium building built with taxpayer money and contributions.  They profiled a homeless woman to whom they gave one of the condos.  Her comment was:  "I just realized the American Dream."

Folks, getting a free home at the expense of others IS NOT the American Dream.  Our social mentality has become muddled with liberal muck.  The American Dream IS the opportunity to achieve and be the best you can as a useful contributing citizen.  Not a grateful freeloader.  

Friday, February 03, 2012

Romney Contributors

Three hedge fund managers pitched in $1 million to the pro-Romney PAC: Tiger Management's Julian Robertson, Elliot Management's Paul Singer and Renaissance Technology's Robert Mercer.
Miguel Fernandez, chairman of a healthcare private equity firm, gave $500,000. MBF Family Investments, which shares an address with Fernandez's investment company, gave another $500,000.
The list of major donors to Restore Our Future is studded with other veterans of Wall Street and the investment community. Tudor Investment founder Paul Tudor Jones contributed $200,000. Goldman Sachs executive Edward Forst forked over $95,000. Four other Goldman employees gave at least $50,000. Lewis Eisenberg, a leader at private equity firm KKR, gave $25,000.
This is enough to send shivers up our backs.  Money reigns as king.  There has to be a way to disconnect Wall Street from the government.  But how?  I wish I had an answer.  


Romney comes across as a synthetic stage-managed man with no fixed beliefs.  He portends to be a conservative, but little in his credentials indicate it. There's little sign of anger in his personality.  But  then why should there be?  He's the son of a rich failed candidate (George Romney), but gives every indication he wants to be president simply because he deserves to be president.  He has the support and financial backing of Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street, including Donald Trump.  That's worrisome.

I for one have had it with Harvard Law School Wall Street connected individuals as president.  There is more to our country than Wall Street banks to big to fail and greedy incestuous crony capitalism.  However, should the establishment Romney get the nomination I will hold my nose and vote for him like I did for McCain, and pray the outcome will be different.  We can't survive another four years of Obama.

BO must GO.