Friday, February 03, 2012


Romney comes across as a synthetic stage-managed man with no fixed beliefs.  He portends to be a conservative, but little in his credentials indicate it. There's little sign of anger in his personality.  But  then why should there be?  He's the son of a rich failed candidate (George Romney), but gives every indication he wants to be president simply because he deserves to be president.  He has the support and financial backing of Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street, including Donald Trump.  That's worrisome.

I for one have had it with Harvard Law School Wall Street connected individuals as president.  There is more to our country than Wall Street banks to big to fail and greedy incestuous crony capitalism.  However, should the establishment Romney get the nomination I will hold my nose and vote for him like I did for McCain, and pray the outcome will be different.  We can't survive another four years of Obama.

BO must GO.


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