Saturday, January 07, 2012

Romney Infomercial

I watched the entire "so called" Republican debate in New Hampshire sponsored by ABC.  At the conclusion I concluded it was nothing but an infomercial for Mitt Romney.  I didn't use a stop watch, but my guess is that no less than 50% of the TV screen exposure was devoted to Mitt Romney.  There were six candidates on stage, yet the dialogue was directed time and again to Romney.  Santorum and Paul probably garnered about 15% each.  That left 20% dispersed among the pitiful trio, Gingrich, Huntsman and Perry.

Its obvious the so-called main stream media wants Romney to run against the little "bo".  They know Romney can't stave off "bo" without the Conservative and Tea Party vote which will probably be minimized for Romney, thus propelling "bo" back into office for another 4 years.  That Democrat analyst, Jehmu Greene, in the after debate analysis thanked Republicans for favoring Romney as she opined, "Obama can defeat Romney."  She just may be right.

BO must GO!


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