Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Romney-Poor Little Rich Boy wants to be President

Money sometimes can buy you anything, even the presidency of the United States. Other times, not so.  From Politico's writing about the 2008 race: "Mitt Romney, a multi-millionaire sank about $45 million of his own money into the 2008 race."  He lost out to McCain, the moderate backed by the Republican establishment, and we all know what a disaster that turned out to be.  Now, in 2012, we have Romney, the see-saw moderate backed by the Republican establishment, spending $17 million making a big splash in the Florida primaries, and already being anointed by the establishment Republicans and political hacks in the news media as the ultimate winner of the Republican nominating process.  There's more primaries and more delegates to be won.  In spite of the establishment and hacks there is still a race to be run if Newt can stay in there.

In my opinion, there is something inherently dishonest about super-rich people buying their way into positions of political power to further enrich themselves and their ilk, the establishment, aka the "ruling class."

For whatever Newt is and though he is rich, he is not super-rich.  Romney swamped Newt with $17 million in negative adds in Florida compared to Newt's $5 million.  Romney came into this world with a silver spoon and became super-rich due to  appropriate marriages and proper business and political connections.  Whereas, old Newt, whether you agree with his positions or not, made his the hard way by grubbing for it.  I have to admire that more than living in wealth all your life and having no concept of what it is to have to grub for whatever it is you're able to get.


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