Friday, February 17, 2012

Four reasons Romney will not win the nomination

Mitt, you are not going to win the Republican nomination for president.

First, you may profess to be a Conservative, but as George Will's of ABC-TV fame said (paraphrased), "Romney is like a tourist in a foreign land, and he's having trouble learning to speak the language," referring to Romney's lack of ability to articulate his conservatism.

Second, there is something in the American psychic that finds it inherently dishonest to use one's enormous wealth to destroy your opponents and buy your way into political office.  Steve Forbes learned this in the last presidential election cycle, and you should have learned it then, too.

Third, you talk about who you are and what you've done, but talk very little about what you will do if elected president.

Fourth, you lack humility.  You've never ever had to clean a really dirty toilet bowl.

BO must GO!


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