Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fairness & Inherited

Two words are paramount in the lexicon of the little "o".  He can hardly open his mouth without uttering the words "fairness" and "inherited."

It's difficult to understand why his concept of the world is everything has to be fair.  Nothing in this world is fair.  Never has been.  Never will be.  If it was the world would be flat and square.  I don't really understand his concept of fairness when his dog, "BO" (epitome of narcissism), gets a $102,000 a year trainer, and my dog has to scratch fleas.  My father used to punish my two older brothers and me when one of us goofed up.  Our refrain was always a whining, "Daddy, its not fair", to which he replied, "What makes you think life is meant to be fair?" as he applied the leather, "If life was fair I'd be dining with the Rockefellars."

I have trouble understanding little "o's" concept of inherited.  He didn't inherit anything.  He asked for the job.  He campaigned for the job.  He got the job.  What the hell is his problem?  Quit the damn whining, shut up and deal with it!

BO must GO!


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