This is just too good, and too appropriate, not to pass on. It is taken from a comment post on today's WorldNetDaily blog. My exact sentiments:
Jerome Ennis · Top Commenter · North Georgia College & State University
The time has long past when we, as United States Citizens, should stand up to these anti-American leftists, communists, atheists and other malcontents, whether homegrown or imported. It is time for Americans to Wake Up, Speak Up, and Stand up to the tyranny of the leftist minority.
Do not wait for permission from courts or judges, just exercise your rights and freedoms and if the minority wants to protest, tell them to get out of your business and protest elsewhere. It is time to stop the bullying by the left who are using our kindness and goodness as a nation founded in Christinaity against us. It is time to let them know that there is such a thing as Righteous Anger, and that we, as a nation of Majority Christians, are right here and right now Righteously Angry and will no longer tolerate a perverted and subverted minority to interfere in every aspect of our lives as Americans.
Our nation's traditions, values, beliefs, culture, borders, and language have been under attack for far too long, and it is time now for us to Defend our Values, Beliefs, Culture, Traditions, Homes, Language and Borders. And, if the radical left minority does not like it, they can either learn to accept it or get the hell out.
And what is so sad about all this attack on the American Way of Life is being waged by tens of millions who are in this country illegally and by other imported malcontents. For the Illegals, it is time to shut up, pack up and get the hell out of our country. For the supporters of the perverts, criminals and subversives, it is time for you to shut up and if you do not like being a traditional American, you can pack your crap and leave the country and find one that supports and believes in your own perverted beliefs and values. I think that what you will find is that No Country will tolerate your particular beliefs and behaviors.
And, it is only because we are a tolerant people in the USA, thanks to the fact that we are a Majority Christian Nation, that there is as much tolerance as there is. But, be on notice you radical creeps of all stripes, our tolerance has been worn out, and we will no longer tolerate a radical minority to intimidate the majority. We will speak our peace and we will say our Christian Prayers in spite of what local, state or federal judges say and in spite of law suits by communist organizations such as the ACLU. Be on notice, We are taking our country back.
And, in 2012, we are purging the White House and United States Congress and also be on notice, we are also taking our Cities, Counties, and States back from the leftists who have migrated to our communities. We now have a Migrant Political Class that moves around to different parts of the country for the sole purpose of taking over local and state governments. It is time to run the Migrant Politicians out of our towns and communities. Hillary Clinton is a Migrant Politician who started out in Illinois and then to Arkansas, and now a Citizen of New York where she got elected to the U.S. Senate and is now Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the Poster Children of what is wrong with this country. They are both Malcontent Communists who pose as Christians and U.S. citizens, while at the same time, supporting Anti-American values and beliefs and Anti-Chrisitan sentiments. We have to get these sorts of people out of positions of power while we still have the numbers to accomplish the task.