Monday, October 31, 2011

Government Spending

This is funny if it wasn't so true.  Today, I was searching through some old files looking for some thing else when I came across an old program for the Republican State Convention, June 18-19, 1976, Fort Worth, Texas, to which I was a delegate.  On the back is a full page ad for Wes Mowery for Congress. It reads:  "It's time to put a lid on government spending" with a artist's rendering of the nation's capitol building with a giant lid over the dome.

Obviously "government spending" is not a new phenomena.  It has been with us as long as we've had government, and obviously it keeps expanding exponentially as evidenced by today's situation.  As long as they have the authority to tax they will spend, and the more they can tax the more they will spend.  When they cannot tax enough they borrow to spend even more.

I'm an old man and I know I will not live to see it end.  In fact, I dare say there is not a person alive today that will live long enough to see an end to it.  There is no end.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Islam vs Christainity

This is taken from:  Vision to America

Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole confirmed on Wednesday that the Obama administration was pulling back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive.
“I recently directed all components of the Department of Justice to re-evaluate their training efforts in a range of areas, from community outreach to national security,” Cole told a panel at the George Washington University law school.
The move comes after complaints from advocacy organizations including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and others identified as Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the 2004 Holy Land Foundation terror fundraising trial.
Folks, there is no doubt in my mind--the Muslims are taking over our nation and we are letting it happen.  In the cause of political correctness we elected a black Muslim president based on hope and change--change to fundamentally change America.  No one dared question his religious leanings or his political motives to fundamentally change our political and cultural system.  A system based on the principles and values of Christianity that made this the greatest nation in the history of mankind.  What fool would want to change it?  Only a religious ideologue. There is no doubt we are at war with Islam.  We believe and honor our value of religious freedom, but this is not religious freedom--it is religious and cultural survival of our nation.  If things continue as they are our nation will be consumed by Muslims.  The great national battle of the 2030's will be Muslims versus Mexicans.  Thankfully, I won't be here to see it.
Then, we (Obama administration) are also financially supporting the new Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt that is openly killing Egyptian Christians on the streets.  There's also UTube video evidence The Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the protestors in New York, Orlando and elsewhere.
Does anyone see a trend?   

Sunday, October 16, 2011


After much serious thought I've decided there is not enough humility in the governance of our nation.  Therefore, it should be mandatory as a part of the office that all elected officials, even the president and down, have to clean a really very dirty toilet bowl once a month. This to keep them humble, and humility alive and well.

Thank God for Liberal Stupidity

This is taken from the Godfather Politics website:

"There’s a silver lining in all of this male and marriage bashing. With fewer liberals getting married, there will be fewer liberals having children. In the end, that is, in the future, there will be fewer liberals."

And, that is good.

Read more: Thank God for Liberal Stupidity | Godfather Politics 

A Platform You Could Support?

Could you support this platform for a presidential candidate?

God, Jobs, Borders, Language and Culture

For the spiritual health of our nation—and for its ultimate survival—God will not be divorced from State or Federal government.  This nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles, and Americans have a God-given right to worship the way they see fit without any interference of any governmental authority.
I believe that all human life is sacred, and I believe that life begins at conception.  I agree with our Founding Fathers that our Creator God endows us with certain unalienable rights.  One of those rights is the right to life, especially for babies the most innocent of all human life.  Abortion will not be used as a form of retroactive birth control.  Parental notification about juvenile pregnancy will be mandatory.
 I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.
 To be a United States Citizen is a privilege and a blessing.  Observing different cultures is what makes America great.  However, celebrating different cultures will not take precedence over traditional United States culture.  We are Americans from the United States, we are not hyphenated Americans.  Hyphens divide, they do not unify.

 Constitution and Rule of Law
  • I will demand that all provisions of the Constitution be adhered to and I will defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
  • No person is above the law.  Let’s identify and ensure that the perpetrators responsible for the worst financial swindle the world has ever experienced are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  • I will work to decrease the size of the federal government and to restore the rightful balance of power granted to the individual States as stated in the United States Constitution.
  • Illegal Immigrants will be deported the moment they are discovered.
  • Current immigration laws will be strengthened, observed and enforced.
  • A fence will be built along the U.S. southern border and will be monitored by Border Patrol, National Guard troops or the United Stated military to keep out persons not legally eligible to be on U.S. soil.
  • Foreign workers will be allowed to work in this nation, but once the job is completed, they will return to their country of origin.
  • Any taxes due and owing to the United States or any governmental authority will be paid.
  • English is the official language of the land for private and public business.  Immigrants will be required to read and write English well enough to conduct everyday business.  Translation of official government or business documents will no longer be provided. 
  • Parents have the right to discipline their children and will have the right to determine what is morally correct.
  • Parents should have the right to send their children to the school of their choice, and their tax dollars should follow their children by using school vouchers and private money.
  • K-12 education will focus on the “three Rs:” Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.  Complex controversial social and moral issues have no place in the K-12 classroom.
  • When a child’s sexual education begins will be determined by the child's parents.  The State will no longer have the right to teach our children what is morally correct.  That responsibility rests with the child’s parents. 
Right to Keep and Bear Arms

I believe in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Gun ownership is a right that will not be infringed.

 National Defense
  • The Federal Government will do nothing to weaken the armed forces of the United States of America.  I believe in a strong national defense.
  • This nation will honor and defend the friends and allies of this country and will honor past treaties.
  • Foreign aid to nations hostile to the United States will no longer be provided. 

We must dismantle the Internal Revenue Service and replace it with a flat tax or a federal sales tax or the Fair Tax.  I also believe we should repeal the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

 National Energy Resources

We will explore and exploit all natural resources of this nation wherever they occur.  We will mine coal and drill for offshore oil in ecological sensitive areas if national interests call for it.  If any business entity damages the ecology or economical interests of a region, they will be held completely responsible for all present and future damages.

 Public Assistance

Welfare will only be available to those who truly need it.  Those who can work will work.  Those receiving welfare or any form of public assistance will pass random drug tests in order to continue receiving assistance.

     *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

His name is John Drummett.  You probably never heard of him.   He is not a part of the "Ruling Class".  He is an ordinary citizen.  The only area he does not address is the economy.  He is an Independent running for President of the United States.  You probably will not hear about him anywhere except here.  You certainly will not hear about him in the main stream media.  It's a shameful crime ordinary citizens can not run nor be elected president, because first they have to be anointed by the "established powers of the ruling class" before they can even think about it.  That's not what our country was meant to be.  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs died October 5, 2011 at age 56.  He was a genius and icon of our time.  A great loss.  We should have more like him.  Following is a quote taken from his commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 which is a favorite of mine, especially advice for young people:

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.  Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”


It looks more and more like Romney will be the Republican nomination as the presidential opponent against Obama.  This is unfortunate because he is not a true conservative.  He is a RINO political opportunist.  I'm not sure Romney can beat Obama.  Just this evening on FoxNews O'Reilly, Goldberg and Krauthammer dissed Perry and ordained Romney as the establishment candidate.  This was followed by Hannity and his Great American Panel that echoed the same sentiments.  It looks more and more like once again the Republican candidate will be selected by the Northeastern establishment class of Republicans.  Perry was a disappointment.  He came on with the high hopes of many conservatives.  He did not perform well in the so-called debates.  He has a great record in Texas, but he isn't nimble on his feet. Somehow we have to find a candidate that is a pit bull dog conservative that will unmercifully attack Obama and the Democrats.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sarah Palin - Why Men Like Her and Women Don't

Why do so many women so dislike Sarah Palin?
Simple.  When most men look at Sarah wives see a look in the eyes of their husbands that drives them up a wall.  A look that says, "I wish my wife was like that."  She is attractive.  She is energetic.  She has spirit.  She is feisty.  She enjoys the outdoors.   She hunts.  She can handle a high powered rifle and a shotgun.  She knows which end of the gun the bullet comes out.  She can shoot a moose and field dress it.  She fishes.  She isn't squeamish about baiting a hook,  landing a salmon and gutting it.  She is a camper.  It doesn't bother her to get cold and wet and sleep on the ground in a tent.  She is athletic.  She can shoot baskets with the best of them.  All this and she is intelligent, and dedicated to her family.  All good reasons for most men to admire and like her.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Do you have any idea the taxes you pay?  This is just a partial list. You can probably think of more. And, just think, our early colonists ancestors revolted because of a 1% tax on tea.

1. Ad Valorem tax
2. Building permit tax
3. Cigarette tax
4. Dog License tax
5. Driver license tax
6. Excise tax
7. Federal Income tax
8. Federal unemployment tax
9. Fishing license tax
10. Food license tax
11. Fuel permit tax
12. Gasoline tax
13. Gross receipts tax
14. Hotel/Motel tax
15. Hunting license tax
16. Inheritance tax
17. Inventory tax
18. Liquor tax
19. Luxury tax
20. Marriage license tax
21. Medicare tax
22. Personal property tax
23. Property tax
24. Real estate tax
25. Rental car tax
26. Service charge tax
27. Social Security tax
28. Road usage tax (toll roads)
29. Sales tax (groceries and medicine exempt in Texas)
30. Recreational Vehicle tax
31. School tax
32. State income tax (not in Texas)
33. State unemployment tax
34. Telephone Federal excise tax
35. Telephone Federal universal service fee tax
36. Telephone Federal, State and Local surcharge tax
37. Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
38. Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
39. Telephone state and local tax
40. Utility tax
41. Vehicle license registration tax
42. Vehicle sales tax
43. Watercraft registration tax
44. Well permit tax
45. Workers Compensation tax

And, guess what?  HR 4646 pending in Congress if passed will put a 1% transaction tax on ALL financial transactions, i.e. every time a deposit or withdrawal is made in your bank account; and every stock, bond, etc. transaction in your portfolio, etc., etc.  Do a GOOGLE search on HR-4646 for details.  Scary!     How much more can we be taxed before we revolt?  My Congressman tells me HR 4646 doesn't have a chance in The House.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Romney and Mormonism

What's the big deal about Romney being a Mormon?  For God's sake we have a bon i fide Muslim sitting in the White House now.  We have the mainstream media busily dissecting the religious beliefs of Republican candidates when they totally ignored the religious belief and affiliation of Obama with the "God damn America" Reverend Wright and his ilk.
I know one thing for sure.  I'll vote for a dozen Mormons before I even think about voting for Obama, the Muslim.  He grew up in Indonesia, a nation that is 85% Islam, with a Muslim stepfather.  There's no way he could not have been greatly influenced by Islam during those formative years of life.  Islam is not consistent with our American principles and values.
So, the message to the mainstream media is:  "Knock it off.  We don't need it."  Of course, they're trying to create divisiveness in the Republican nominating process to benefit Obama.

Sunday, October 09, 2011


Today we finally got some much needed rain.  It rained early this morning and then drizzled until about noon time.  We got a total of 2.0 inches.  This is the first significant rain we've had since June 22nd when we got 3.4 inches.   Until today we've had only 10.4 inches this year.  It was a fairly general rain which helps the drought condition.   Our normal average rainfall is 44 inches a year.  It has been so dry several of our large oaks have died though I watered to try to save them.  Anyhow, we're thankful for the rain.


Fair.  Since when has everything supposed to be fair?  How can anyone in their right mind think for a New York minute they can make everything fair for everyone?
Is it fair the Kennedys were born with a silver spoon, while I was born sharing an old bent spoon with my brothers?  Is it fair Michelle takes her two daughters on vacation to Africa on an Air Force airplane costing taxpayers $425,000, while most of us can barely afford the price of a tourist seat on a commercial airplane?  Is it fair that Steve Jobs, a genius in our time, died at age 56, while Charles Manson at age 77 continues to live at taxpayer expense in a California prison?  Is it fair that my entire adult working life (and the lives of millions like me) the maximum social security amount was deducted, but at retirement we get a meager monthly stipend determined by the government's ponzie scheme instead of an annuity (as originally promised by the government) based on the principal and interest thereon compounded over forty plus years which would amount to over one million dollars?
Just who determines what is fair and what is not?  Does Obama and the Democrats think they have such a God given right?  I think not.
I have two older brothers.  When we were kids growing up my father often punished all three (usually with a leather strap) when one of us did something wrong.  Our constant lament and wail was, "But, Daddy, I didn't do anything wrong!  It's not fair!" His retort always was, "What makes you think life is meant to be fair?  If it was fair I'd be eating caviar with the Rockefellers."
So much for fairness.  What's "fair" is for the government to get out of the way, and for people to get off their butts and get busy making a "fair" life for themselves and their families.
I for one am tired of hearing politicians knowingly and with certainty proclaim what is and what is not "fair", or what "Americans want is fairness."  They don't have a clue.  Like dear old Dad said, "Life isn't meant to be fair."