Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sarah Palin - Why Men Like Her and Women Don't

Why do so many women so dislike Sarah Palin?
Simple.  When most men look at Sarah wives see a look in the eyes of their husbands that drives them up a wall.  A look that says, "I wish my wife was like that."  She is attractive.  She is energetic.  She has spirit.  She is feisty.  She enjoys the outdoors.   She hunts.  She can handle a high powered rifle and a shotgun.  She knows which end of the gun the bullet comes out.  She can shoot a moose and field dress it.  She fishes.  She isn't squeamish about baiting a hook,  landing a salmon and gutting it.  She is a camper.  It doesn't bother her to get cold and wet and sleep on the ground in a tent.  She is athletic.  She can shoot baskets with the best of them.  All this and she is intelligent, and dedicated to her family.  All good reasons for most men to admire and like her.


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