Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Rememberance - 10th Anniversary

A day to remember what happened 10 years ago today. We shall never forget. Remember 9/11. Its like "Remember the Alamo" and "Remember Pearl Harbor". It is etched forever in our collective memories and souls. A day to remember those innocent lives lost to an evil caliphate. A day to remember and honor those who rushed into harm's way to help and save others. A day to remember and pray for the bereaved families that lost loved ones that day war came to our homeland. We must be ever vigilant to keep the evil at bay and fight it at every occurrence.

September 11, 2001 at 8:15 a.m. (CST) I was in our bedroom. My wife came and told me to come look at the television. I asked why? She said an airplane flew into one of the Towers in New York City. A number of years ago I had dinner in the restaurant in the top of the North Tower. I first thought it was an accident and was a small airplane. I remembered in 1945 a B-25 bomber lost in fog flew into the Empire State Building, so I didn't think much about it until I saw the television. I said, "My God. That was no small airplane." I had flown a lot on commercial airliners and could not imagine how an airliner could possibly be so far off course to fly into a highly visible tall building on a perfectly clear blue day. As we watched the second plane flew into the other tower. I shouted, "That is no accident! What the hell is going on here?"
The rest is history.


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