Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Perryspeak versus Obamaspeak

Before we all get our underwear twisted in a wad about Gov. Perry's pronunciation of present participles ending in "" (like "goin" instead of "going") let's consider President Obama's pronunciation of certain words.

He speaks fairly well when he reads prepared scripts from the teleprompter, but when he talks off-the-cuff he doesn't do so well. He pronounces "going to" as "gonna" as in "I'm 'gonna' develop a plan." He pronounces "sure" as "shore" as in "I'm 'shore' the Republicans 'er' wrong." He pronounces the preposition "for" as "fur" as in "I know 'fur shore' the TEA Party 'er' all terrorists." He pronounces "their" or "there" as "thar" as in "I don't know for 'shore' what 'thar' intent is." There are more examples of Obamaspeak that can be stipulated, but I think you get the picture.

So, if the liberal so-called main media and Perry's opponents are intent on critiquing his speech patterns, I suggest they first look at their own man's speech patterns. Enough to make Miss Womack (my 6th grade teacher) become very ill.


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