Sunday, October 09, 2011


Fair.  Since when has everything supposed to be fair?  How can anyone in their right mind think for a New York minute they can make everything fair for everyone?
Is it fair the Kennedys were born with a silver spoon, while I was born sharing an old bent spoon with my brothers?  Is it fair Michelle takes her two daughters on vacation to Africa on an Air Force airplane costing taxpayers $425,000, while most of us can barely afford the price of a tourist seat on a commercial airplane?  Is it fair that Steve Jobs, a genius in our time, died at age 56, while Charles Manson at age 77 continues to live at taxpayer expense in a California prison?  Is it fair that my entire adult working life (and the lives of millions like me) the maximum social security amount was deducted, but at retirement we get a meager monthly stipend determined by the government's ponzie scheme instead of an annuity (as originally promised by the government) based on the principal and interest thereon compounded over forty plus years which would amount to over one million dollars?
Just who determines what is fair and what is not?  Does Obama and the Democrats think they have such a God given right?  I think not.
I have two older brothers.  When we were kids growing up my father often punished all three (usually with a leather strap) when one of us did something wrong.  Our constant lament and wail was, "But, Daddy, I didn't do anything wrong!  It's not fair!" His retort always was, "What makes you think life is meant to be fair?  If it was fair I'd be eating caviar with the Rockefellers."
So much for fairness.  What's "fair" is for the government to get out of the way, and for people to get off their butts and get busy making a "fair" life for themselves and their families.
I for one am tired of hearing politicians knowingly and with certainty proclaim what is and what is not "fair", or what "Americans want is fairness."  They don't have a clue.  Like dear old Dad said, "Life isn't meant to be fair."


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