Sunday, May 24, 2009


Why do those two words sound so much alike?
Where is it written that you CANNOT fail?  It is failure that often results in success.  Just watch a child learning to walk.  How many times does he fail before he finally masters the ability to walk?  Do we "bail out" the child when he fails?  No, we let him struggle so he will learn to walk.  It is through failure that we learn, but only if we get up and try again.
Where is it stated in the Constitution that we do not have the right to FAIL?  Freedom means the right to try, and if you fail, the right to get up and try again.  
Where do we get the notion someone or something is TOO BIG TO FAIL?  If a business cannot succeed then it deserves to fail.  
Today, we are too touchy-feely.  We don't let our kids fail.  It might hurt their little egos or self worth.  We have a society that thinks no one can be permitted to fail, regardless of how they err in life's decisions, so the government rushes in to BAIL them out.
There is something fundamentally wrong with the concept that others, those that succeed, should be forced to pay for another one's mistakes and failures.       

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Signing Event for My Book

Finally, my book, The William E. "Bill" Davidson Family -  The Life and Times of a Centenarian and His Family, has been published and is available on Amazon.  I had a book signing event Saturday, April 25th in Norman, Oklahoma, at the Golden Corral Restaurant.  A very nice turnout of fifty-two relatives and friends attended.

My nephew, Steve, planned and organized the event with help from my wife.  Steve designed and made a very nice brochure mailer which was sent to a mailing list.  Steve also made a power-point presentation with numerous photos of the family.  My son, Greg, played a CD made from an old tape recording of my grandparents.  He also presented me with a very nice pen to use for the book signings.  I was a little surprised at the interest so many folks had in my book.

My sincere thanks to all that came and to those that bought a book.

Kwik Kwips

Life is like a roll of toilet paper.  The closer you get to the end the faster it goes.
The only thing wrong with today's cars is the loose nut behind the wheel.
The best gifts are always tied with heart strings.
Indigestion is the failure of a round stomach to adjust to a square meal.
The most disappointed people are those that get what is coming to them.
Then there's the girl that doesn't have much upstairs, but what a stairway.
A man owes it to himself to be successful, then he owes it to the IRS
A woman is young until she takes more interest in how her shoes fit than her sweater.
Obama happens.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Ken ya go back to Kenya?

Obama, ken ya go back to Kenya where you came from?

It is becoming more and more evident this guy is NOT a legal natural born citizen of the United States of America. He produces no concrete evidence of his actual place of birth.  He traveled to Pakistan in 1981.  What passport did he use?  It had to be British (Kenya), Indonesia, or the United States of America.  Since it was illegal in 1981 for USA citizens to travel there he had to enter Pakistan on either a British or Indonesia passport.  Which one was it? Whatever the correct answer, it WAS NOT a United States of America passport.  So what country was he a citizen of?  Not the USA!

So, why is this guy president of the United States of America?  This question really begs for an answer.