Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Signing Event for My Book

Finally, my book, The William E. "Bill" Davidson Family -  The Life and Times of a Centenarian and His Family, has been published and is available on Amazon.  I had a book signing event Saturday, April 25th in Norman, Oklahoma, at the Golden Corral Restaurant.  A very nice turnout of fifty-two relatives and friends attended.

My nephew, Steve, planned and organized the event with help from my wife.  Steve designed and made a very nice brochure mailer which was sent to a mailing list.  Steve also made a power-point presentation with numerous photos of the family.  My son, Greg, played a CD made from an old tape recording of my grandparents.  He also presented me with a very nice pen to use for the book signings.  I was a little surprised at the interest so many folks had in my book.

My sincere thanks to all that came and to those that bought a book.


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