Sunday, March 28, 2021


Who is the real president?  It’s obvious it’s not Joe.  Someone, somewhere is puling his strings.  He’s kept under wraps for the most part.   Someone writes his lines when he speaks to the press.  Someone made his cheat sheets for his first and only press conference.  Someone selects the journalists (?) he speaks to.  Someone dictates when and where he goes.  It’s obvious to any astute person Joe is not his own real man (“Come on, man!”).  I have only my intuitive gut to rely on, but I’m of the opinion Obama is the puppet master pulling Joe’s strings. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021


I’ve written numerous letters and emails over the years to my Republican representatives on a number of issues.  What happens?  NOTHING!  Democrats fight like pit bull dogs. Republicans cow-tow to the Democrats quaking like nervous yapping chihauhaus. I’ve been a long-time supporter for my congressman, but  have become disappointed.  He sends email newsletters about all the problems.  He never says what he or other Republicans will do about them. I send him email replies and ask, “What do you and the Republicans intend to do about it?”  I NEVER get a reply answer. So, we don’t have a strong conservative Republican  party.  We have a do whatever to “get-a-long”  Republican Party. So, we should do whatever necessary to primary them out for new ones with the caveat they have to be pit bull dog fighters.

Friday, March 19, 2021


Here’s what is going to happen.  China has no respect for Biden.  They view him as weak and ineffective. They increasingly see America in decline.  The Biden approach to China is human rights, racial discrimination, and climate change.  Things of no substance in the eyes of China.  They will become more aggressive in matters and actions to exploit America’s weaknesses.  They will continue to grow their military might.  They will use it to challenge America on all fronts.  At some point they will sense a weak America will be incapable to defend itself.  They then will strike.  It’s impossible to know when and what form it will take, but they will strike and with crucial devastation.  

Monday, March 15, 2021


It’s been said Biden has a new program focused on military flight suits for women. That sounds good until you realize Biden is not talking about typical flight suits . He wants to create specialized suits for the women whom fly military planes so they can continue to do so when pregnant.  That’s well and good.  What happens when a pregnant fighter pilot does a maneuver that puts 3G’s of force on her and she miscarries.  What then?

Sunday, March 14, 2021


Conservatives will tell you what they want to do and will honestly endeavor to do what they said they intend to do.   Liberals will tell you whatever you want to hear and will egregiously ignore what they said they’d do and do whatever advances the cause of their idealism. Character is paramount to conservatives.  Character is of no consequence to liberals.

Friday, March 12, 2021


Since our government can force us to wear face masks and stay locked up in our homes, why is it our government can‘t force Illegal immigrants to stay out?