Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Pen Mightier Than the Sword

There's an old adage that the pen is mightier than the sword.

A gun in the hands of the wrong person is a dangerous thing.  A pen in the hands of the wrong person is much more dangerous.  Obama in the Oval Office waved a pen around in the air and proclaimed he will take action to move forward.  Forward from where to where?  This man with a pen, if not stopped, can inflict more damage and misery on more people than any lunatic with a gun.  He has no regard for the Constitution.  He will unilaterally take whatever action with his pen he deems necessary to advance his agenda.

I find it distressing there is so little political will to stop him.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Obama is All Hat

Talk is cheap.

I listened this morning to Obama as he pontificated about the NSA security situation.  He talks more and says less.  He droned on for about an hour giving us a history lesson and finally making some scant feigned proposals to bring the NSA under tighter scrutiny.  As Krauthammer of FoxNews later said, "Obama's talk was 90% smoke and mirrors."

Obama is so self-cenrered and arrogant that he actually believes that when he says something it is true.  He just talks the walk.  He is cannot walk the walk. In Texas we have an expression for people like that.  We say, "He is all hat" meaning the guy bought a big hat and is all talk and of no substance.

Obama is all hat.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Obamacare Defined

Obamacare to insure the uninsured, first makes the insured uninsured.  Then, it makes the formerly insured pay more to become re-insured to insure the uninsured for free.
Got that?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gstes' Incrimination of Obama

It's amazing to watch and observe the national media as they get all exercised over the Obama revelations by Gates in his book about his experiences as Secretary of Defense in the Obama Administration.

Any waking American with an iota of intelligence is not at all surprised by the Gates' incriminations of Obama.  Most have know from the "get-go" this man was not presidential quality.

A community organizer, aka social agitator, a president does not make.

The War on Poverty is Over

The war is won.  The War on Poverty is over. We no longer have poverty except for the street people and for the most part they are there by choice.  We now have a Dependency Class.  The poverty stricken have moved from poverty to dependency.  They have wide screen TV's, automobiles, expensive sneakers,  jewelry, tattoos, subsidized housing, food stamps, Medicaid, social services, lunch programs, etc., etc.  By any measure they live like kings in the eyes of most people in the world.

So over the past 50 years we've spent about $17 trillion (the current national debt) to eradicate poverty and have created a Dependency Class with no inclination to be productively employed because all their necessities and wants in life are satisfied, so why work?

I feel the ground tremble as Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, et al turn over in their graves.  

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Obama-Constitutional Law Lecturer

The record (one of the few to be found) shows that Obama as a lecturer taught Constitutional  Law at theUniversity of Chicago from 1992 until 2004, a twelve year period.

This gives cause to pause and ask, "What was it he really taught?"  As president he has trampled on the Constitution unmercifully.  It would be reasonable to believe that if a person taught Constitutional Law for twelve years he would have a complete and meaningful knowledge and respect for it.  Obviously, the man has no respect for the Constitution.

So, the nagging question begging for an answer is did he know and understand the Constitution and is purposefully violating and circumventing it at every twist and turn to achieve his agenda to "fundamentally transform" our country; or is he so ignorant of the Constitution and so steeped in his socialistic ideals that he taught something totally different and is guided today by his errant beliefs?

He is a man we know so little about.  It would be interesting to hear from some of his former students that attended his Constitutional Law classes.