Friday, December 30, 2011

Busy Little Boy

I've been a little remiss in my duties of late to my blog.
I've recently been a very busy little boy, especially for an 83 year old "little boy."  The 12x24 loafing shed in the west corral has been sagging really badly for awhile so I've been jacking and bracing, jacking and bracing to get it lifted and level.  Not easy when doing it all by one's self.  I now have it up and level.  I now have to install the permanent supports to replace the temporary braces.
But, that's not all.  The toilet bowl in the master bathroom has been malfunctioning, and irrespective of all my efforts the past week I couldn't get it to work properly.  Try as I may it still backed up.  I finally called in the roto-rooter man.  After some amount of difficulty he was able to pull a dead squirrel out the stand pipe clean out. That little rascal fell down inside the vent pipe for the toilet and played havoc with the function of things.
Thankfully, maybe things will get back to normal.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Greeting

Wishing you all the miracle of hope, the sharing of the warmth and comfort of friendship, the love of family, and the blessing of peace now and throughout the new year.  MERRY CHRISTMAS

TAKE JOY, by Fra.Giovanni written 1513 AD

   There is nothing I can give you which you have not; but there is much that while I    cannot give, you can take.
   No Heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today.
   No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
   The gloom of the world is but a shadow.  Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy.
   And so at this Christmas time, I greet you with this prayer, that for you now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Light Bulbs

A victory for the lowly incandescent light bulb.  Since Republicans couldn't get the 2007 bill killed that did away with the 100W incandescent light bulb they did the next best thing.  They managed to get its implementation in 2012 defunded per the following from today's Washington Times newspaper:

The spending bill doesn’t actually amend the 2007 law, but does prohibit the administration from spending any money to carry out the light bulb standards — which amounts to at least a temporary reprieve.

Let's hope its not only a reprieve, but it dies and is buried.

BO must GO

Friday, December 16, 2011

Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer

Just a bit of trivia for 'tis the season.  Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer is perhaps the most identifiable icon of the Christmas Season other than Santa Claus.  But, do you know the origin of the ever lovable Rudolph?

In 1939 an illustrator named Robert May under contract with Montgomery-Ward Department Stores was asked to draw a children's Christmas theme coloring book for M-W to give away as a promotion.  Over 2.5 million were distributed.  May's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, later put the words to music.  Early in November 1949 Harry Brannon was the first popular songster to sing the song.  Later that same month Gene Autry's wife insisted (over Gene's better judgment) that he record the song.  She may have heard Brannon sing it.  To please his wife (probably to get her to quit badgering him)  Gene at the end of a recording session had a little extra time left over.  So, he recorded "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer" on the backside of a record.

The rest is history.

Giant Gulf Shrimp

I just saw a segment on local TV news that the Gulf is teeming with giant shrimp, some as big as a foot long.
Hmmm.  Let's see.  A little over a year ago there was the huge BP oil leak in the Gulf.  Environmentalists were having a cow over their claim that Gulf life would be destroyed for eons and may never recover.  Now come the giant shrimp.  Is there a cause and effect?  I'm just asking.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What the American People Want

How many times have you heard politicians and political pundits say, "What the American people want is........?  Matters not what their political stripe is.  They all say it over and over again and again. It gives one cause to pause and ponder just what is it these hacks think the American people want and how is it every one of them seems to know what it is.  I don't think they have a clue, and I for one am tired of the politicians and political hacks pontificating what it is we all want.  Enuff already!  Get off the dime, get out of Washington and back to your districts and mingle with your constituents.  Then you may discover what the American People really want.

BO must GO!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

To Defeat Obama

This comes from the Patriot Update News blog.  I think it pretty much says what must be done to win in November 2012:

"To do battle with Mr. Obama, any candidate will have to become something of a monster, aggressive and unremitting, without pause or embarrassment.  Nothing should be off the table: Obama’s associations with Bill Ayers, the former terrorist; his decades-long relationship with the race-baiting Jeremiah Wright, the religious zealot of “God damn America” fame; all the czars and disastrous nominations like Van Jones, an avowed “truther,” and Elizabeth Warren, who takes credit for the moral underpinnings of the OWS crowd, and Craig Becker, Obama’s recess appointment to the NLRB who is busy pushing through a pogrom of forced unionization and governmental control of industry by regulatory fiat, and Lisa Jackson, who as head of the EPA has made it her life’s goal to destroy America’s manufacturing, electrical generation, and fossil fuel industries, also through regulation, and the failed and incompetent Eric Holder, with his Fast and Furious program, where the administration sought to bolster support for gun control by deliberately arming Mexican drug cartels, resulting in hundreds of deaths in Mexico and one in America…as well as all the golf, all the vacations, the crony capitalism, the disregard for the Constitution.  On and on it goes, because Barack Obama has provided, in less than three years, plenty of ammunition to do battle against his most dismal presidency."

"The Republican candidate cannot take the high road like John McCain and refuse to fight.  Barack Obama will not be constrained; he will use whatever he can against whoever is his opponent, without reservation, including every underhanded trick and lie at his disposal.  The legacy media will not only support him in this, but they will be complicit in his dirty politics."

I've been disappointed with the Republican Party for a long time mostly because they don't stand up and fight.  They tend more to bow and scrape to the Democrats.    Compromise is a word never uttered when Democrats are in power, but its shouted from the rooftops when the Republicans are in control.  I've long said I want  Republican to be like junkyard pit bull dogs when dealing with Democrats.
I hardly ever say I'm a Republican, rather I mostly say I'm a Conservative.

BO must GO

Friday, December 02, 2011

Pen and Ink Legislation

Does anyone find it incredible our legislators write and pass bills with hundreds, if not thousands, of pages no one reads and no one understands?  Why?  I think it's the advent of the computer and word processor.  It's a make-work project for hordes of Washington staff busily hammering away at keyboards.
So, I suggest in the future all legislation be hand written with pen and ink.  That way bills will not be so excruciatingly long and complex.  It will encourage the drafters of legislation to be brief, concise and succinct because it will be too painstakingly long to hand write so many pages.  Our forefathers did it.  Just look at the Declaration of Independence.  It says it all on one page.  Then, there's the Constitution one of the greatest documents of all time.  It is hand written on just a few pages.
Besides, it  would require good penmanship which is grossly lacking these days.