Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obama: All Hat

Never have we had a president we see and hear so much. He is everywhere. He loves to fly on Air Force One. He loves to talk, especially he loves to hear himself talk. He talks more and says less than any person that has ever been on the national political scene, including Jimmy Carter. It matters little to him what he says, just so he says it even if it is not true or it is contradictory. This is greatly exemplified by the following quote from the FoxNews Channel:

"Nar-cis-sism – noun1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love;

In mythology, Narcissus was the guy who fell in love with his own reflection.

In 2009, he’s the president of the United States.

Instead of adoring his own image, Obama loves to hear himself talk – about himself. In just 41 speeches so far this year, not including this week's big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times – 1,198 to be exact. (That breaks down to 1,121 “I”s and just 77 “me”s.) And that just includes 34 weekly addresses and his seven major speeches. Count the hundreds of other public speeches and he’d be off the charts.

And if you needed any more confirmation, there was this past Sunday’s Obama-palooza on the network talking head shows. Obama pulled a presidential first, going back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back on five different networks. He hit “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on ABC, “Meet the Press” on NBC, “Face the Nation” on CBS, as well as interviews on both CNN and Univision."

In Texas when a man is all talk and little substance or action we say: "He is all hat."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What worries me is humanity.
There's all this talk about global warming, climate change, carbon footprints, etc., even the sun going out.
That's not the problem. It's all mostly a hoax to line the pockets of a few people. Follow the money.
The main problem is humanity itself. We are sinking into a morass of immorality.
But, even worse we are on the verge of radical rogue governments developing weapons capable of wiping out large elements of the population in a matter of a few minutes. Weapons like nuclear bombs, dirty bombs, poison gas, and germ warfare. And, also there is the electromagnetic pulse. (See my earlier post on the topic.) It doesn't directly kill people. It just renders all things electrical and electronic useless and in a matter of hours people panic and begin to kill one another fighting for survival.
Humanity is humanity's worst enemy. At some point some rogue radical group will trigger a weapon of mass destruction and will in turn unleash a rainstorm of weapons of mass destruction on humanity. The end results will make climate change look like a Sunday school picnic.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obamanation of America

President Obama will be all over the Sunday morning talk shows in the morning trying to promote his Obamacare healthcare plan for the rest of us. He will be on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Univision, the Spanish channel, but he will not be on the FoxNews Channel or the Fox affiliate stations. Why? That question begs for an answer. He does not like Fox. Why? My wife had the most probable answer. She said, "He (Obama) won't go on Fox because they won't toss him softballs. They'll throw hard questions at him." He is in a campaign mode trying to sell a program a large majority of the people do not want. Why?

Is he a president with no moxie? He surrounds himself with numerous advisors (czars) of questionable radical beliefs and backgrounds. He doesn't handle critisim very well either. His White House frequently complains about the way he is treated by FoxNews (O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck). Chris Wallace of FoxNews said, "They (the White House) are the biggest bunch of whiners I've seen in my thirty years in Washington." Much was made about Sarah Palin's lack of political savvy, but Obama is either a rank amateur with little political savvy, or he knows perfectly well what he is doing to transform our nation in ways we are now beginning to imagine. Is this the change people voted for? Elections have consequences. Let's hope and pray enough people see the light and in 2010 vote in a congress that will stand up and oppose the Obamanation of America.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Falling Trees and a New Chainsaw

At 2:15 a.m. the other morning my wife awakened me and said she heard a loud unusual noise outside. I vaguely thought I had heard something, too. I took my flashlight and went out to investigate. One of my truisms (If a tree near a fence falls, it will always fall on the fence.) came true. Not one tree, but two fell on the fence to the east pasture. Set the clock alarm for 6:00 and went back to bed.
Got up before daylight and put the cows in the corral before they found the downed fence. At daylight I could really see the damage. A large branch 20 inch in diameter broke off from a tree inside the yard and fell onto a tree 24 inches in diameter just across the fence. Both fell onto the fence taking down about 30 yards of fence. What a mess.
My first objective was to clear enough to make room to repair the fence. That took most of the day. My little old Poulan chainsaw (32 years old) was cranky and would no start. Had to pull and pull and work on it about an hour to get it started. Frustration. Finally, got it to running and cleared out enough to work on the fence.
Next day I worked most of the day rebuilding the fence. Building fence by ones self is not easy. Turned the cows out of the corral into the pasture. They were happy about that.
Next day I started to clear up all the limbs and branches and saw up the tree trunks. The Poulan chainsaw would not start. I pulled and pulled and tinkered and tinkered to no avail. I tried everything I knew to do. It sometimes would run a few seconds and then die. More frustration.
Today I decided enough is enough. I went to town and after shopping around bought a STIHL MS-230C with EZ-Start 16 inch chainsaw. Went out this afternoon and cut up a bunch of limbs and branches. Wow. That STIHL runs like a real hummer, and best of all it starts with only 2 or 3 pulls.