Sunday, September 20, 2009

Obamanation of America

President Obama will be all over the Sunday morning talk shows in the morning trying to promote his Obamacare healthcare plan for the rest of us. He will be on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Univision, the Spanish channel, but he will not be on the FoxNews Channel or the Fox affiliate stations. Why? That question begs for an answer. He does not like Fox. Why? My wife had the most probable answer. She said, "He (Obama) won't go on Fox because they won't toss him softballs. They'll throw hard questions at him." He is in a campaign mode trying to sell a program a large majority of the people do not want. Why?

Is he a president with no moxie? He surrounds himself with numerous advisors (czars) of questionable radical beliefs and backgrounds. He doesn't handle critisim very well either. His White House frequently complains about the way he is treated by FoxNews (O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck). Chris Wallace of FoxNews said, "They (the White House) are the biggest bunch of whiners I've seen in my thirty years in Washington." Much was made about Sarah Palin's lack of political savvy, but Obama is either a rank amateur with little political savvy, or he knows perfectly well what he is doing to transform our nation in ways we are now beginning to imagine. Is this the change people voted for? Elections have consequences. Let's hope and pray enough people see the light and in 2010 vote in a congress that will stand up and oppose the Obamanation of America.


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