Saturday, August 22, 2009

End-of-Life Issues

My wife and I were at a Republican Club dinner meeting Tuesday evening. Our congressman, Mike McCaul (R), was the featured speaker. Afterwards he held a Q&A. Toward the end he said he had time for one more question and called on me. I said: "I don't have a question. I have a message for you to take back to Washington. I'm 80 years old. If someone from the government shows up at my front door to discuss my end-of-life options, he damn well better be concerned about his end-of-life options!" It brought the house down. The congressman said, "That's a good way to end the meeting."

He left for another speaking engagement about 50 miles east of here. When we got home we had an email from the congressman's Blackberry that said, "Don, you had the best line of the evening." He later told a friend who told us he said, "I believe old Don really meant it."

Anyhow, that is my take on the situation.


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