Edward Kennedy
I was never fond of Edward Kennedy. He simply did not represent any of my ideals and values. I mostly ignored all the media coverage of his death, laying in repose, and funeral mass. When I first turned on the television yesterday morning a priest was pontificating, "He understood the complexity of the society in which we live." I switched to a business channel.
In my opinion Kennedy was nothing more than a privileged rich kid that never grew up. He was a drunken sot most of his life. He had no more understanding of the complexities of our society than I have of the complexities of the atom bomb. He rode his brother's coat-tails, the Kennedy name, and the liberal illusions of Camelot to political prominence. Otherwise, he would have been nothing more than the town drunk.
The business channel I was watching switched to the funeral mass and Obama was emoting about all the tragedies in Teddy's life, as though we "common folk" have no tragedies in our lives. I just hope Teddy Boy has to face Mary Jo before he goes to his just reward, however God sees fitting and proper.
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