Monday, October 11, 2021


War is a mean, nasty, dirty business.  It breaks things and kills people. There is only one of two outcomes from war . . . win or lose.  The United  States has not won a war since WW II in 1945.  Korea was a Chinese stand-off.  Viet Nam was cut ’n run.  Syria and Iraq were donnybrooks.  Afghanistan was a 20-year embarrassing failure of epic portions. There is only one reason to go to war . . . to win!  Else, don’t go there.

Friday, October 08, 2021

 The Vanishing American Indian.  

        The American Indians lived more or less peaceably for centuries on what today is known as the North American Continent.  They had their inter-tribal disagreements and territorial squabbles, but for the most part their culture and way of life was unchanged until Europeans showed up on their shores in those huge  boats with billowing white wings.  At first they were greeted as friendly, but as time wore on their numbers became alarming.  After a while they realized they were being inundated by these strange people, thus looked on them as the enemy.  But, they just kept coming, and coming, and coming until finally the American Indians were totally overcome as a people and vanished from the earth as a social order and way of life.

Today, I am becoming more and more to feel like the vanished American Indian as mobs and mobs of people just keep coming, and coming, and coming across our Southern Border.  They have no sense of what our social order and culture is about anymore than the Europeans knew what the American Indian social order and culture was about.

I’m part American Indian.  My great grandmother was half Cherokee.  My other great grandmothner was part Narragansett.  I’m a WW II veteran. This is becoming the America I’ve not known all these years.