Just what is “fight” in political-talk? We all hear politicians seeking election say over and over, “I’ll go to Washington and fight for you.” But, when elected and arrive in Washington they leave their “fight” to languish somewhere on the campaign trail. They then speak in nuances and double-talk that evades meaningful thought.
Then along comes Trump. He speaks straight-talk. He says what he means and does what he says. A novel concept. The so-called ‘fighters’ can’t cope with that so they throw all caution to the wind and “fight” to impeach him with innuendos, guilt by association, and vague charges based on hearsay and assumptions.
They (the so-called fighters) lament Trump is not presidential. He uses foul language, he calls people names, he’s uncouth, he’s dirty all of which in straight-talk translates to, "He is upsetting our apple cart and we don’t like it."
Fighting alligators in the swamp is dirty work.