The Southern Border
Just where is the Southern Border?
Mexican nationals man lookout stations strategically located on the highest observation points in Arizona a hundred or more miles from the official border. They brandish AK-47's, shoot transgressors, and use sophisticated scrambling communications equipment. They observe and report every movement of the American Border Patrol and law enforcement officers to provide cover for their colleagues to safely transport (smuggle) dope and people into the United States.
So, just where is the border? Since armed Mexican nationals control the entry points for non-citizens of the United States and commerce (dope, drugs, etc.) then it follows in effect these lookout stations have become the border since our own law enforcement officials cannot control the entry of non-citizens at the "actual" designated border. So, we have ceded large portions of the United States territory in Arizona to Mexico while the elite intellectuals in the American ruling class boycott and file lawsuits against the people of Arizona for their attempts to enact laws to protect and control the Arizona-Mexico border. Insanity? You make the call.
Can Texas be next?