Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Gates Rant

If the "Gates Incident" had of involved Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams we would never have heard anything about it.  They would have thanked the officer for responding to the 911 call and apologized for the inconvenience.  But, Gates is an angry radical racial activist.  A large number, but not all, blacks are angry they were not born white.  They take every opportunity, however small, to hurl the racial epithet at any convenient white person, especially law officers.  I don't know what kind of satisfaction they get from it, but they would do much better to put their racial biases behind them and do their very best to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them to make the most of their lives to the best of their abilities.

I once managed a group of computer professionals when employed by a major oil company.  I had several black people in my group.  They were fine intelligent hard working respectful people.  However, I had one black woman that was a loud-mouth activist.  She did not see her job as an opportunity to advance herself, rather she saw it as a platform from which to espouse her radical racial views and to hurl racial taunts and accusations at her superiors. Needlessly to say, it took a while to build a case, but I eventually was able to move her out.   

Mama Hawk

One of my avid readers recently raised the question about the mama hawk that last year I reported on as she built her nest in a tall tree in our backyard and raised two hawkletts.  She was around earlier this summer but did not reuse her old nest.  I did see her revisit her old nest a couple of times, but  I don't know where she nested this year.  I saw her around almost every day until about three weeks ago.  I haven't seen her since.  I don't know what happened to her.  She may have had to seek a more friendly habitat.  The heavily wooded area behind our property has recently been invaded by humans.  They cut down trees, cleared brush, and built two houses with detached garages. Hope nothing bad has happened to her.

Friday, July 24, 2009


So what is Conservatism and what do Conservatives believe in?

1.    Small government
2.   Low taxes
3.   Individual liberties
4.   Individual responsibility
5.   Capitalism
6.   Compassion
7.   Optimism
8.   Military strength
9.   Closed borders
10. God is the cornerstone of our Republic
11.  Entrepreneurship
12.  Right to bear arms
13.  Sanctity of human life (pro life)
14.  Conservation
15.  Equality of man

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I.   Thou shall not infringe nor vilify the Constitution nor the Flag
II.    Thou shall defend, protect and preserve our national security
III.   Thou shall protect and preserve our national interests
IV.   Thou shall secure and control our national borders
V.   Thou shall not legislate from the judicial bench
VI.   Thou shall serve not more than twelve years in Congress or on the bench
VII.   Thou shall be totally and completely accountable and responsible for thy actions
VIII. Thou shall not tax excessively nor unfairly
IX.   Thou shall not spend unnecessarily nor excessively
X.   Thou shall protect the sanctity of life
XI.   Thou shall protect the sanctity of marriage as a union between one man and one woman
XII.  Thou shall honor thy God   

Monday, July 06, 2009

Traditional American Values

We hear a lot these days about Traditional American Values, especially from politicians and the current administration in particular.  Just what are "Traditional American Values"?  Obama's actions give cause to pause and question if he really knows and understands Traditional American Values.

The Declaration of Independence reads in part that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."  I wonder is Obama has ever even read the entire Declaration of Independence and fully understood its implications.

American Traditional Values are love of God, country, family, and liberty, the freedom to enjoy the individual right to achieve that which you are most capable of achieving.  It is the right to a non-intrusive government.  The Declaration of Independence further reads "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

You do not grow up in a foreign land under the tutorship of Islam and come here and associate yourself with the likes of Bill Ayres and Jerimah Wright, or walk across the Southern Border and instantly become endowed with the true meaning and understanding of Traditional American Values.  It is a living process that begins very early in life and is instilled through the experience of the true American way of life and its traditions based on the Declaration of Independence and manifested in the Constitution of the United States of America.