Friday, March 27, 2009

Is Obama Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

This is my Obama adaptation of an old joke that has been around a long time:

President Obama feeling grand about his success on the Jay Leno show to connect with people decided to go to Texas to connect with those arrogant Texans.  Since Texas is an agricultural and oil producing state he decided to take his Green Energy policy to pitch to those Texans.

He decided it would be smart to go to a small rural Texas town and visit the local grade school.  There he would convince the students about the merits of his Green Energy policy and they in turn would go home and convince their parents.

The local school superintendent directed Obama to Mrs. Platt's 5th Grade class.  He was greeted with stony silence from the kids, but he smiled broadly and knowingly as he asked if any of them knew about his Green Energy policy.

After a long silent moment a little boy raised his hand and Obama called on him.  The boy said, "I know that grass is green."  Obama replied, "Yes, grass certainly is green."  After a moment another little boy raised his hand and Obama called on him.  The boy said, " Cows, and horses, and goats eat green grass."  Obama replied, "Yes, indeed, cows, horses, and goats do eat green grass."

Another long silent moment.  Then a bright-eyed little girl on the front row raised her hand and Obama called on her.  She said, "Cows, and horses, and goats all eat green grass, but do you know why when they poop cows make paddies, horses make small clumps, and goats make little pills?"  Obama was somewhat taken aback and stammered, "Uh, well, uh, hum, uh no, as a matter of fact I do not know why?" to which the little girl replied, "Then, why do you want to talk about Green Energy when you don't know shit?" 

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Book

Good news, friends.

My book, The William E. "Bill" Davidson Family - The Life and Times of a Centenarian and His Family, is finally published.  It was published by BookSurge Publishing Company, Charleston, South Carolina.  It is available for purchase on for anyone that wants to buy one.  Click on"Books" then enter "Donald G. Davidson" in the search frame, then click on the "Search" button.  An image of the cover will appear on screen with a brief description of the contents.  A photo of me and a picture of the Davidson Family Crest appears on the back cover.  The back cover reads:

The author, Donald G. "Don" Davidson at age 40 became the self-appointed family genealogist and historian.  Over the next 30 years he accumulated a wealth of genealogical and historical material on his family,  the William E. "Bill" Davidson Family.  Much of this material was in the form of old letters, diaries, bibles and personal account stories that had become a part of the family folklore.  The author's father, Bill, was a great story teller.  He told stories right up until a few days before his death at age 104 years.  Many of his stories and accounts of his life which spanned the entire 20th Century are incorporated in this book.  The book also includes accounts from the diaries of the author, his mother, and his siblings.  As the author approached age 75 and with his own mortality looming on the near horizon he decided he had better get busy and organize the material into a book to be preserved for future generations, else it would all be lost to posterity.  Thus, the endeavor to write this book.  It took about five years to organize and write the manuscript then find a suitable publisher.  A daunting task for a novice.  This is the only book he has written.  What it lacks in professionalism is compensated by a labor of love for his family and future generations.   

How Much is a Brazillion?

This is funny.  It came to me from a life-long friend via the Internet.  I have to pass it on to you, my blog friends:

The Department of Defense gave the president a military briefing this morning.  They told Obama that two Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq this week.  To everyone's surprise all the color drained from Obama's face. Then he collapsed at his desk, head in his hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears.  Finally, he composed himself and asked, "Just how many is a brazillion?"

This is especially funny since he obviously has no understanding of a billion or trillion either.  

Also, to be really funny humor has to have an element of truth to it.  It's either laugh or cry.  Either way it is sad.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Obama a Puppet?

Is Obama a puppet?

There is more and more compelling evidence that may well be the case.  He continually shows he is an intellectual lightweight.  He remarked about the 57 states in the Union.  Any fifth grade student knows that isn't so.  He told us a few days ago that now is a good time to invest in the stock market.  The stock market is in a freefall.  He made a comment about the "profit to earnings ratio" the other day.  That ratio would always be 1.  Meaningless.   Any person minimally knowledgeable of investing knows what the "price to earnings ratio" is.  He knows not what he speaks of when he speaks off-the-cuff without a prepared script. 

So, who prepares the remarks he delivers so well with charm and the help of the teleprompter?  Emanuel? Axelrod?  Podesta?  Carvelle?  Are they the puppeteers pulling the strings?  Is he nothing more than a polished actor that can read and deliver a scripted speech with style and charm?