Monday, March 26, 2007


Incrementalism is here and if not confronted and stopped dead it will bring about the decline of the America we know today.
It is no secret the avowed purpose of Islam is to rule the world, including the USA, with Islamic law. This they accomplish in the most passive of ways--incrementalism. They view our American sense of compassion and fair play as a weakness to exploit.
And, exploit they do. They come here and instead of assimilating into the American melting pot like immigrants of the past, they gather in societal conclaves preserving their mores and incrementally imposing them on us. They cause commotion by openly praying in airports. They cause anxiety among passengers on commerical airliners by purposefully acting strange and then seek to sue the passengers in our courts. They try to force employers to provide prayer rooms at their place of employment. They seek to have prayer rooms at sporting events. Checkout workers in supermarkets refuse to check out customers with bacon or pork in their shopping carts. Taxi drivers refuse patrons if they possess any kind of alcoholic beverage, etc., etc., You get the picture.
They appeal to our sense of fairness and religious freedom as provided in our Constitution, and we meekly apologize and bend our societal mores to accomodate theirs. They do this like the old Chinese water treatment of one drip at a time. Give an inch and they take a mile. But we keep giving inch after inch after inch. Soon there will be no more inches to give and we will all be under the law of the Koran.
Fifty years from now America will not exist if we as a society do nothing to stop this. The Bible and the Christian principles on which our founding fathers formed this nation and for which so many American lives have been sacrificed over the years to preserve will be for naught.
My American ancestry goes back to the very beginnings of the American dream. The brother of one of my ancestors was the captain of the Mayflower. Another ancestor came here in 1725 and his sons fought in the Revolutionary War. Another ancestor was a guide for George Washington when he was sent on a mission by the governor of Virginia to the edge of the frontier to deliver an ultimatum to the French. Two of my great grandfathers served the Confederacy and one served the Union during the Civil War. One ancestor served in the Tennessee legislature and another served in the Arkansas legislature. One great grandfather fought Indians while driving longhorn cattle from South Texas to Kansas. Two brothers and I served during WW II. One brother served in the Korean War. I am part Indian. One great grandmother was three-quarters Cherokee. Another great grandmother was one-fourth Narragansettt.
So my traditions in this wonderful land we call American are deep and firmly rooted. My heart aches to think that in so few years we may loose it all if we sit idly by and let incrementalism consume us. I'm an old man. Hopefully, it won't happen, but if it does thankfully I'll probably die before it does.