Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lexicon of new words in today's political environment

I've come to begin to learn a lexicon of new words and phrases descriptive of today's political environment. With the advent more and more of corrupt politicians we now have the word "corruptocrat" to appropriately describe them. With the ever unending expansion of government at all levels we now have the phrase "culture of bureaucracy expansion" to describe government meddling in all aspect of our lives. With the government sponsored Fast and Furious project to run guns from the United States to Mexico we now have the term "gunwalkers" instead of gunrunners. They just simply walk the guns across the border under the cover of government protection. And, then we have the pathetic pervert Anthony Weiner who did a "twitter-ectomy" to his glorious career. Need more be said? Then, we have the 2,700 pages of "obamacare" no one understands for which certain political insiders ask and receive exemptions. Huh? And, too, we have "obamanomics" with the distinct odor of the shadowy Cloward-Piven strategy the goal of which is to bring the capitalistic system to financial ruin by overloading and undermining the government bureaucracy with the over reach of government to tax and spend beyond our means and then to resurrect the government in the image of the Cloward-Piven socialistic manifesto.


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