Thursday, May 26, 2011

Netanyahu - Obama

I watched the Oval Office press conference, Netanyahu's speech before Congress, and Obama's speech before the British Parliament on TV. What a contrasting dichotomy! One an orator and the other a reader. Netanyahu spoke from notes. He paced his delivery. He used effective pauses. He used body language to emphasize points. He used one of the cardinal rules of effective speech, i.e. be concise. He spoke directly to the issues. He received numerous ovations from Congress. He was well received.

Whereas, Obama speaking before the British Parliament received only one, I repeat only one applause during his entire lengthy speech. He stood with body fixed like a wax figurine as his head bobbed back and forth from side to side as he read from his teleprompter a well crafted speech written by a speechwriter. He looked like one of the Pep Boys in the TV commercials, only his head bobbed back and forth instead of up and down. He never spoke to a real fundamental issue. He had the audacity to lecture the British like a college professor on the history of the United Kingdom. He was politely received.
And, the Oval Office confrontation? It can only be characterized as a confrontation. The glaring look of contempt on the closeups of Obama's face were telling. It was obvious he had been check-mated on his own attempt to grab the high ground, and he did not like it one bit. Yes, Netanyahu took Obama to task, but he did it diplomatically. Its obvious for the world to see, the two do not like each other. They just show it in different ways.


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