Saturday, May 14, 2011

School Board Election

Today about 4:30 p.m. I went to my local precinct election polling place to vote for one of two people running for an at large place on the local school board. What is unusual about this is that near the end of the day I was only the 9th person in a precinct of over 700 registered voters to vote. This is incredible. And, people wonder why our schools are no more efficient and effective than they are. I didn't know much about either of them. One man appeared at the last Republican Club meeting and spoke briefly. Not very well I might add. He had no clear reason for wanting to be a member of the school board, just that he had always wanted to. Huh? I didn't know anything about the other man, but I voted for him. It's a shame there is no more interest than there is in the affairs of our public schools and the people that govern them. Education of our young people is our nation's future. Let's not squander it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Cindy and I was at the last Republican county convention. I'm guesstimating but I'd say about a third of the county precincts even had representation at all. I had a similar experience at the Ok state Republican Platform Committee Meeting. I was out of town during the State Convention, but I suspect it was the same as the county.

11:49 AM  

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