Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Obama's Immigration Plan - El Paso

Obama is in full campaign mode.
I watched him on TV today lay out his immigration plan in El Paso. This man does not talk like an American. He does not talk like a person steeped in the values and traditions of America. He talks more like he himself is an illegal immigrant. He had a Democrat controlled Congress for the first two years of his administration and did nothing about the illegal immigration problem. He is now promising to attack the immigration problem. Why? Because he is courting the Hispanic vote for the upcoming 2012 election. He could care less about the illegal immigrant workers just so he wins their votes, legal or illegal. What was most noteworthy about his lengthy speech was the tepid response he received from the audience. The cameras didn't show the crowd on TV, but when Obama got applause it sounded like about a dozen people applauding, and then not very enthusiastically.
Herman Cain's FoxNews post-analysis plan for securing the border was a more common sense plan.


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