Saturday, April 23, 2011

Donald Trump - President?

Donald Trump burst onto the political scene like a Texas tornado. He is everywhere on television. But, is he for real or just a dust whirlwind? He is brash, and speaks directly caring not who may be offended. He espouses cures for the problems with China, Iraq, and the oil supply situation, as well as the many domestic problems. He says things most conservatives like to hear. But, is he a real conservative or just another RINO? Is he just in it for Trump and promoting his reality television program? Is he just on an ego trip? He brags about his wealth, and that he can finance his own run for the presidency. I have news for "The Donald". Most Americans do not like the idea of a rich guy buying his way into the presidency. Think Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, and Mitt Romney. Also, most American like to have "skin in the game." We like for a potential candidate to ask for our support and our vote. When we make that commitment to contribute money albeit minimal we then have "skin in the game" and will be much more inclined to vote for that candidate. I'm not sure Trump understands that. The primaries are still months away and many things can change. The sifting process will cause considerable fallout as the run for the brass ring shapes up. I'm not sure I would vote for Trump in the primaries, but I'll certainly vote for him if its between him and Obama in the finals.


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