Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fed Up, by Texas Gov. Rick Perry - Part 2

I recently finished reading the book, Fed Up, by Texas Governor Rick Perry. If you're "fed up" with the liberals and the Washington political scene you too would enjoy reading this book. Not that it is profound or awe inspiring, but just that it reflects the common sense attitudes most of us have toward the power brokers in Washington. Following are a some of my choice quotes from the book:

Obamacare mandates that the American people must go out and buy government-approved health insurance in the private market. I defy anyone to show me the clause in the Constitution that gives Washington the authority to do this.
The federal government spends money it doesn't have on programs the states, individuals, or private companies could likely do cheaper and better.
No one wants any American to go without health care he or she needs. But that's not what this debate is about. It's about control.
While it's an abomination that the federal government takes so much of our money in the first place, it's unconscionable that it gives back to us only on the condition that we spend it in the manner the federal government wishes.
Like all bureaucracies from the dawn of society, the environment the EPA is most concerned about protecting is its own turf.
When science get hijacked by the political Left, we should be concerned.

NOTE: In the future I will post more of my favorite quotes from Governor Perry's book.


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