Sunday, February 14, 2021


        Trump was acquitted of the impeachment charge of inciting an insurrection by a vote of 43 to 57.  It required at least 66 votes to find him guilty.  The Constitution requires a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate for guilt.  Typically, the Democrats and their lap dog news media were gleeful because the Democrats in their warped minds won.  They succeeded to tarnish Trump. They succeeded to keep national attention focused on Trump and not on Biden and his crazy Executive Orders. It covered-up the trepidations of Hunter Biden with China and Swalwell’s dalliances  with Fang Fang (bang, bang) a Chinese spy.  It focused attention away from how Biden has mucked up the COVID vaccine distributions.

Trump is stuck in the Democrats’ craw. They can’t rid themselves of the fear he may once again arise with a large following that threatens their grasp on political power. They’ve indefinitely shrouded the national capitol with 12 foot high security fences topped with spirals of razor wire and guarded by army troops to perpetrate the image they are in eminent danger  from the hateful illegal uprising of Trump and his supporters.

It’s all about fascist tactics to maintain absolute control.


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