Sunday, November 01, 2020


I’m really queasy about the integrity and legality of the vote count for the upcoming election in three days.  Some states will count mail-in ballots as much as nine days after the November 3rd, election day. This is plenty of time for chicanery to tweak the vote count.  Which ever side declares they are the winner there will be lawsuits galore.  Thus, the final official vote count will result in a delay beyond the January  20th Inauguration Day. Thus, Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi) will become president.  The saving grace being that by the Constitution each state is entitled to only one vote regardless of their number of seats in the House of Representatives.

The legality of the vote itself is seriously compromised.  Case in point.  My dear wife who passed away almost six years ago received a form in the U.S. Mail a few weeks ago telling her she was not registered to vote, and urging her to register.  I could have completed the form, forged her signature and mailed it via postage paid.  I then  could request an Absentee Ballot, vote it, and return via U.S. Mail, never having to appear in person to verify her identity.  The problem  is I could not get away with it.  She was my Election Clerk for 12 years.  The folks that run the election know her personally. 

Another case in point.  A lady I know very well at the gym maintains two residents . . . one in New Jersey and one in Texas.  The nature of her work requires she spend much of her time in Texas.  She received mail-in ballots from the state of New Jersey for both addresses.  Humm!

And, the Democrats insist all this mail-in ballots and extended counting days is fundamentally sound?  I hardly think so. 


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