Wednesday, November 04, 2020


I’ve long known Democrats are capable of vote fraud.  They have the uncanny talent to find votes when needed.  It’s been going on ever since I first became aware of things political in 1948.  Over the years Lyndon B. Johnson honed this talent to a fine degree.  He was involved in several known instances of vote fraud. Probably some that were never known.  The following is from Wikipedia:

“The Box 13 scandal was an event which occurred in Alice, Texas during the Senate election of 1948.[1] Lyndon B. Johnson was on the verge of losing the election to Coke Stevenson. Six days after polls had closed, 202 additional ballots were discovered in Precinct 13, which were in Johnson's favor. Stevenson was about 854 votes ahead of Johnson during the run-off. Stevenson was still ahead by midday, but after the discovery of the additional ballots, 200 additional votes for Johnson were discovered, leading to his victory by 87 votes out of 1 million voters.”

The only thing that’s changed over the years is Democrats have elevated the technology to a fine art form used to compromise thousands of votes. I’ve often quoted Stalin when he said, “It doesn’t ’t matter who votes.  What matters is who counts the votes”.  Nothing has changed.  The Democrats have a bag full of tricks to alter vote outcomes.  Today is no different. 



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