Tuesday, January 19, 2021


China knowingly unleashed the COVID-19 Virus onto the rest of the world.  When it was known in Wuhan they purposefully banned internal flights to and from Wuhan, the origin of the virus. They allowed international flights in and out of Wuhan for several months before the rest of the world was aware of the potential for a world-wide pandemic. The World Health Organization was either inept and slow to act, or in cahoots with China.  As the rest of the world became aware of what China did they went into the panic mode.  Most governments, including ours, were unsure of how to act.  But, not the Democrats.  It was a presidential  election year.  They had long advocated for voting by ballot mail-in, but with little success . The Democrat hierarchy immediately saw the pandemic as an opportunity to parlay the election process to accommodate the mail-in ballot.  They acted with lightening speed to start a drumbeat with the complicit news media for the mail-in ballot. Their lament was the danger of voting in person was too real, and the COVID-19 Virus so contagious, it would keep many people from going to the polls to vote and exercise their Constitutional right.  (NOTE: The Constitution does not give anyone the right to vote.). The Democrats quickly developed a plan to skew election results to their favor using the mail-in ballots. (NOTE: There are no controls for mail-in ballots.)  They zeroed in on the known Democrat controlled battle-ground states and implanted operatives to “diddle” the election process with mail-in ballots.

It gives cause to speculate and ponder just exactly what was the purpose of Biden’s several trips to China.


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