Monday, February 15, 2021


A friend recently sent me a video of a long ago national sporting event where they said a prayer and sang the The Star Spangle Banner at the beginning of the event.  Everyone stood with bowed heads and held their right hands over their heart or saluted.  In conclusion a flight of jet airplanes roared overhead as everyone cheered. She said it brought tears to her eyes.  This is my reply:

Yes, it brought tears to my weary old eyes. I long for those days gone by.  It’s sad we have become what we are today right before our very eyes.  The leftist weasels have infested every element of our society like weevils with their anti-American hate and dominance with the full support of China.  We no longer have a democratic republic.  We have an oligarchy, a small  powerful group of people in government and business with the willing help of the lap-dog news media cooperating with China in the interest of their own power and wealth. What these useful idiots don’t understand is when China becomes the dominate world power they will be the first to go.  Their usefulness will have been served.  China does not tolerate turncoats.

Reagan said something to the effect our democracy is only one generation from extinction.  We have been tolerant of those that want to change us. They have been relentlessly intolerant.  I’ve long said that when tolerance meets intolerance that intolerance wins every time.  Intolerance can only  be defeated by intolerance. Case in point.  The United States was founded when the British Colonists ceased to be tolerant and became  intolerant of the British crown.  Obama and Biden espoused “change" as the keynote of their campaigns. If we are to survive we have to become intolerant and “fight like hell” to defeat the leftists.


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